Friday, 5 March 2010


To quote Queen, I'm under pressure right now. What with impending exams and...well, that's it really, but it's worse than it sounds. Last year I thought was bad, 4 exams! This year that figure doubles. And they're all bound to be within a fortnight of each other, so I'll have about 5 seconds to revise between exams. Typical. To top it all, my maths exam is on the Monday, and the Saturday, yes, that's 2 days before, I'm going to see the Stereophonics. Don't get me wrong, I'm really looking forward to it, but it means that I'll lose one whole day of revision time. Ah well, twice as much revision on Sunday then!

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


Time to revisit the blog again after what seems like 3 months. Oh wait, it is 3 months. Great. Sorry about that, been a bit busy. Right, down to business. The snow. I think, as long as you're reading this in the UK, you've had it as well. A few days before Christmas it fell first of all. Brilliant, I haven't seen snow all year! Cue pandemonium. No milk or bread on the shelves. What is this fascination with milk and bread. "Oh, I can have tea and toast." No you can't. You need teabags, water and a kettle for tea, and a toaster and butter for toast. So you are talking utter rubbish. Anyway, after the panic subsided and Christmas came and went, more snow arrived. Gosh, we haven't had two lots of snow in ages! And then another lot came. And another. Each getting deeper until the fall we had last night has given us about 8 inches! The pandemonium continues. I'm staying out of it thanks.